Suicide Cleanup

Safe and Discreet Removal of Biohazards from a Suicide Scene

Suicide Cleanup often presents additional physical and psychological issues that our technicians have been trained to handle. Here are some examples:

  • Additional and more in-depth decontamination and cleaning required due to close range of a weapon to a body
  • Family members who may be present at the scene looking for answers
  • Additional effort by our technicians to completely remove any evidence of a suicide so that reminders are not present for family members and friends
  • Additional time and effort taken by our technicians to clean and restore sentimental items during the restoration of a suicide scene

Please understand that, although a visual inspection of a suicide scene may reveal a great deal of blood and bodily fluids, an equal amount of biohazard contamination will be found by our technicians in areas that cannot be seen or easily accessed. It is vital that all traces of these elements be removed from a scene.

As with any trauma scene, technicians conducting a suicide cleanup will treat you and your family or staff with care and compassion. Our technicians will attempt to answer any questions you may have.

Please, before you attempt to clean a suicide scene, speak with a trained & certified technician. A suicide can have a tremendous affect on the emotional well-being of friends and family members and we would prefer you contact a professional company for assistance. We have trained personnel standing by 24 hours a day to answer your questions.